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Cruises on the Rhine


5 berths
Access via the southern lock (écluse SUD), open from 7 am to 4 pm every day except Friday, when it is open until 3 pm
Access via the northern lock (écluse NORD) open 24h/7 all year round
Waste disposal facilities at the lock gates: glass • cardboard • bio-waste • household waste
Five-minute walk to the nearest tram station at Place d’Islande
Riverside and shore facilities for grey and black water disposal
Riverside services for diesel includes engine oil and oil filter recycling
Supplies to berths by 19- and 38-tonne refrigerated trucks to P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5
Drinking water supplies to the 5 berths


4 berths
Direct access without going through the locks
Guaranteed draught of 3.50 m
Bus and car parking space for tourist guides and other personnel
Space for bike hire
Supplies to the 4 berths by 19- and 38-tonne refrigerated trucks
Drinking water supplies to 4 outlets with flow rate of 20m3/hour (see Fees)
Waste recycling area: glass • cardboard • bio-waste • household waste
Pedestrian access to urban bus line No.2 at Rue du Port du Rhin near the Harbour Master’s office 650 metres away
900 metres to tram station for trams to city centre, to local shops, banks and supermarket, etc
Riverside and shore facilities for grey and black water disposal
Riverside engine oil and oil filter recycling
Wintering of vessels with no passengers and minimal crew available in November, January, February and March

Would you like to take a cruise on the Rhine?

The PAS provides you with details of the companies that include a stopover in Strasbourg:

List of companies

Pour toutes questions techniques ou commerciales concernant les services aux compagnies fluviales :
